This is the RISTF blog!
Hello to you all, my dear listeners, and welcome to this new feature on our RISTF website. This blog will be a sporadic repository for additional material, such wonders as photographs of our delicious/horrifying drinks, pictures of myself and my lovely guests (where they can be persuaded), and other such frivolities not quite serious or relevant enough to go onto the episode pages. Comments will be ON so do leave a note if you would like to. And although I have some good topics up my researching sleeves for forthcoming episodes, why not make some suggestions for good historical East Anglian tales that I might like to investigate.
To start off with, here are three photographs relating to prior weeks.
A suspicious Vin on the recording futon
Katy prepares the magical colour changing drink from Episode 2
Evidence of the tumeric tongue referred to in Episode 6